
We have an amazing group of folks who volunteer their time each year to lead our club to new heights. We look forward to more great years.

AAF MS Gulf Coast Shirley Guice Silver Medal

Donald Dana, the first AAF-MS Gulf Coast president, was also our first Silver Medal recipient. At the time the award was sponsored by Printers’ Ink Marketing Communications. The AAF Silver Medal as we now present it was introduced to our club in 1988. The AAF MS Gulf Coast Shirley Guice Silver Medal as we now present it was introduced to our club in 1988.

AAF District 7: Division III Club of the Year

This honor is presented annually to ad federations who display exceptional accomplishments in club operations. Awards are presented on both the District and National level.

2002-2003  Amber Goodwin, President
2003-2004  Denise Ladner, President

AAF National: Division III Club of the Year

2003-2004  Denise Ladner, President

AAF District 7 Otis Dodge Memorial Award

2008  Denise Ladner, District 7 Coordinator

AAF District 7 Bolton-MacVicar Award

2003  Trudi Mullins

District 7 Governors from our Club

1993-1994  Linda Sherman
Served as Governor while a member of Nashville Ad Fed, but she lives here now, so we claim her!

2004-2005  Laura Hasty

2022-2023 Jeff Harrison